Action ethics

The ethics of action is an ethical and logical concept that affirms that ethics resides in means and not in ends, that is, that an objective must not be obtained through illegitimate or immoral means. According to this principle, legitimacy comes from the personal and social method, not from the objective ("the means justify the ends") in a cause-effect relationship, where the goal is the effect of the present action; a legitimate method generates a legitimate fresh goal ("the means contain the ends"). Ethics and morals in bioethics: Bioethics is a field of knowledge with a diffuse ideological position in which religions and currents of classical political thought coexist with quite a few tensions. When defending arguments, the expression that has been imposed is that of "ethics", probably because of the supposedly objective and para-scientific bias of that expression. Well, we will study in this article what is the relationship between the different currents of thought and the way in which they use the concepts of "ethics" and "moral". For this, we have created four models with which we intend to collect all the existing possibilities. The ultimate goal is to clarify what we mean in bioethics when it is stated that something is ethical or moral, what is the relationship between ideologies and axiological statements and how it influences the ideal composition of bioethics committees.
