
The Liqoqo is a traditional advisory body to the throne in Swaziland. It was instituted by King Sobhuza II as the Supreme Council of the State.

This confusion about the status of this organ provoked, after the death of Sobhuza in August 1982, a struggle for power within the Dlamini family. The queen mother, Indovuzaki Dzeliwe, assumed the regency with the support of 15 members of Liqoqo. But when she was pressured to remove the prime minister to replace him with another with the support of Liqoqo to make him prevail over the Government Cabinet, the queen of denial.

Having lost the support of the Liqoqo, Dzeliwe was placed under house arrest by Liqoqo in October 1983, and appointed Queen Ntombi Laftwala as the new Indovuzaki. She accepted the Liqoqo as supreme organ of the State and being mother of the prince Makhosetive of 14 years, this one was named successor of the crown and crowned like king Mswati III 25 of April of 1986.
