Abu Muslim

Abu Muslim Abd al-Rahman ibn Muslim al-Khorasani, better known as Abū Muslim (700-755) was leader of a revolutionary movement in Khurasan, whose efforts disarticulated the Umayyad dynasty. His name in Arabic means "father of the Muslim, Abd al-Rahman, son of the Muslim from Khorasan."

He was born within the Mawālī (non-Arab Muslim) collectivity and had humble origins. He met a representative of the Abbasid Caliphate while in prison (741). After his arranged liberation, he was sent to Khorasan (745-746) to raise a rebellion. Recruited from various discontented groups and managed to overthrow the last Umayyad caliph, Marwān II (750), so he was rewarded with the government of Khurasan.

His popularity induced the second Abbasid caliph, al-Manṣūr to see him as a threat; as a result, ordered him to be executed.
