Environmental administration

Environmental management is understood as the set of steps leading to the management of the environmental system. In other words, and including the concept of sustainable development, it is the strategy by which human activities are organized that affect the environment, in order to achieve an adequate quality of life, preventing or mitigating environmental problems. >

Environmental management or administration responds to the "how to do" to achieve what is posed by sustainable development, ie to achieve an appropriate balance for economic development, population growth, rational use of resources and protection and conservation of the environment. Environmental Administrator Studies In colombia

The Environmental Administration is a professional career at university level, whose objective is to train professionals capable of managing, supervising, controlling, exercising authority, exercising command and influencing the global system constituted by natural and artificial elements of a physical, chemical nature , biological, sociocultural and their interrelations, in permanent modification by the human or natural action that governs or conditions the existence or development of life.

Environmental Administrator Day October 28

Professional training in Environmental Management is regulated by Law 1124 of January 22, 2007.
