Ger's Sign

Escrituras paleohispánicas. The Ger signor (Ger (Gerona)) is a dual northeastern Iberian signage made on an open-air rock that was identified in 2012. This inscription forms part of a set of more than thirty rocks distributed by the different municipalities of the Cerdanya that contain more than a hundred Iberian inscriptions. The sign is written from left to right and remains almost complete. Its approximate paleographic chronology could be between the end of the s. III aC or principles of s. II aC. The signar is organized by pairs of variants of the same sign, where always the variant that carries one more stroke, the complex variant, the deaf in the case of dental and velar occlusives, appears before the simple variant, the sound in the case of dental and velar stops. In addition, in this signario are also grouped some signs of similar value, the two vibrating, rŕ, the two wheezing, śs, and the two nasals, mn, and perhaps also the case of the pair Tḿ. The T-shaped sign, in this case with an extra horizontal trace at the base, is a rare sign of unknown value, represented by its shape, which until now was considered a variant of mo of ḿ, but this Signature confirms as an independent sign.

Kugu + [-] + tidibabitadatedekogotodotuduś [-] ++ Skaga mnirŕbekigiuTḿ + a +

A few years earlier two other signatures of similar characteristics had appeared: the signet of Castellet de Bernabé and the sign of Tos Pelat, which not only exhibited dualities in dental and velar occlusives but also in vowels and some continuous consonants. Simultaneously the sign of Bolvir, also rupestre was published, which like the one of Ger only presents / displays dualities in the dental and velar stops. The order of the signs does not coincide exactly with any of the other known Iberian signifiers, nor with the one derived from the sign of Espanca, from the southern group, which was the only paleo-Hispanic sign known until the appearance of the Iberian signatures. Its presence in a rock inscription does not seem to be motivated by activities related to the learning of writing, but it is thought that it could have a votive function, as it happens with the abecedarios of epigrafías contemporary to the Iberian. Bibliography
