Long live the Virgin is a traditional expression to cheer the Virgin Mary on the festivities celebrating a day of the Virgin, and which is usually completed with the corresponding title: "Long live the Virgin of the Assumption" or "Our Lady of Covadonga ", or" the Virgin of the Pillar ", etc. In the independence of Mexico, the cry "Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe" was used as a nationalist slogan, along with other more violent expressions, such as "death to the gachupines" (see Grito de Dolores).

The expression gives rise to a word collected in the DRAE: vivalavirgen (according to some sources, of nautical origin)

It is often used in combination with many other cheers, such as Viva la Madre de Dios, Viva la Madre y Señora, Viva la Reina de las Marismas, Viva la Blanca Paloma, etc. (the latter especially in the context of the Romería del Rocio). Notes
