Badlands (landscape)

Badlands in Alberta, Canada Landscape in Badlands National Park in South Dakota

Badlands is a landscape form, characterized by a highly eroded, clay-based substrate, mainly in semi-desert areas. Erosion by water and wind causes many geologic formations such as canyons, ravines and hoodoos to occur in badlands.

The term badlands comes from the Spanish word malpaís which means bad country. It denies this name to the fact that the site is often badly committed.

Badlands landscapes are found in North America in various US states as well as in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. In North Dakota and South Dakota, parts of the badlands are protected by the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the Badlands National Park, respectively. Furthermore, the erosion characteristic of bathlands causes these areas to be good sites for fossils. The Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta and the Utah Dinosaur National Monument are examples of this.
