
DO Montoro-Adamuz is a geographical indication with protected designation of origin (PDO) for extra virgin olive oils which, having the characteristics defined in its regulations, have fulfilled all the requirements specified therein. >

Production area

The area comprises the following municipalities of the province of Córdoba: Montoro, Adamuz, Espiel, Hornachuelos, Obejo, Villaharta, Villanueva del Rey and Villaviciosa de Córdoba, which constitute the agrarian district of La Sierra. The area borders on the south with the river Guadalquivir, on the north with the northern plateau of the province of Cordoba, and on the east and west with Jaen and Seville respectively.

The percentage of area corresponding to olive groves of the area under cultivation under the Protected Designation of Origin "Montoro-Adamuz" is 51.43%. The processing and packaging area coincides with the production area. Fit varieties

The production of the protected oils comes from the olive tree (Olea europaea) of the following varieties: Picual (Nevadillo Blanco), Nevadillo Negro, Lechín, Picudo and Carrasqueño, considering as main varieties Picual (Nevadillo Blanco) and Nevadillo Negro ; the extraction is done exclusively by mechanical or physical processes that do not produce alteration of the oil, preserving its flavor, aroma and characteristics of the fruit from which it comes.
