
Cativen (acronym for Cadena de Tiendas Venezolanas SA) was a retail trade company in Venezuela formed on March 23, 1995, which acquired the network of the old automercados Cada (currently Abasto Bicentenario) and the network of stores by department Maxys (until then these franchises were property of the Cisneros Organization). At the end of the same year, two SuperMaxys hypermarkets were inaugurated in the cities of Caracas and Maracaibo. In the middle of 2000 the Casino de France Group acquires 80% of the shares of Cativen with six Hypermarkets SuperMaxys nationwide and 48 automercados Each.

At the beginning of 2010, the chain of Almacenes Sucesso of Colombian origin that had 21.00% of the shares of Cativen was nationalized by the Venezuelan government in breaching the Law for the Defense of People in Access to Goods and Services, accused of remarcaje of the prices, hoarding and speculation.

In view of the events in which the consortium Cativen was involved, the Casino Group with 50.01% of the shares decided to negotiate the sale of the same to the Venezuelan State, a fact that materialized in June 2010, leaving the government with the majority shareholder of this company, in order to create Abasto Bicentennial with liquidation Cativen.

Shareholders (1995-2000)

Shareholders (2000-2010)

Shareholders (Present)
