
Indigenous Cherokee using a blowgun.

A blowgun is a weapon made up of a gun in which are introduced darts, small arrows or other sharp elements that shoot by blowing forcefully from one end.

It is mainly used by indigenous tribes. Sometimes, for greater efficiency, the dart is poisoned. Many cultures have used this weapon, but the varied tribes of the rainforest of America and Southeast Asia are the best known shooters. The blowguns are rarely used as real weapons by these tribes, rather they use them to hunt monkeys by poisoning the darts in a process that consists in smearing them with the skin of poisonous frogs without doing them harm. Thus, the dart is impregnated with poison and is ready for use.

The canuto must be long to be able to give power to the dart to be dismissed of this one. The size of the canuto depends on the size of the dart. Darts should weigh no more than 30 grams so they can be fired at high speed. This speed can reach up to 45 m / s. The canuto must be narrow so that the air gives more power.
