Castle and walls (Vistabella del Maestrazgo)

Coordinates: 40 ° 17'37 "N 0 ° 17'28" W / 40.293737, -0.291229 The castle and the walls of Vistabella del Maestrazgo are remains of the historical and artistic heritage of this region of the region. l'Alcalatén, the Valencian Country. They have been considered Cultural Interest Biennial since 2010.


Just a few remains of the castle, after its collapse in the early twentieth century. Of Arab origin, this defensive fortification was located in a hill, located strategically to defend the lands of the Montlleó river. It appears quoted in 1303, in a document of the purchase of Culla on the part of Guillem de Anglesola. The water reservoir of Vistabella del Maestrazgo, at the northwestern part of the town, is currently in this site. The walls

The walled enclosure of Vistabella was built around the castle and the new-build Christian village, which was designed around the east-west facing main street and the various streets that cross it in a north-south direction . They were built at one time, with stone masonry of the area, joined with mortar.

The wall is exempt from the south and west faces, while the rest is within the current urban fabric. At the moment, the areas where they are better conserved are to the north part of the population and the street of Calvo Sotelo, where there are portals. The doors

The walls of the town had up to six doors along its perimeter: one on each side of the main street:

The other four were to the south and had a domestic use. there are two, the Portal de San Roque, which preserves a ceramic panel with the image of the saint, and the Portal del Horno.
