The Little Wild

Le Petit Sauvage is a love novel written by Alexandre Jardin, published in 1992. Resize the code

Alexandre Eiffel discovers himself soft and unambitious him who child was so energetic and lively. Attached to his agenda, he does not do much of his life. He feels unworthy of the rebellious and living boy he was, the man to whom his dad said: "The little savage, you are a madman! ". He finds the parrot who cheered up his childhood at a market and buys it. This parrot repeats the same sentence as his father about the Little Wild.

Alexander decides to relive his childhood and thus becomes the little wild again. He leaves his wife and his boring life, buys Mandragore, a family estate where the Little Savage lived, leaves to find Fanny his neighbor whom he rediscovers through Manon who makes love so well in the branches of trees. Then he goes to get his grandmother living symbol of the Mandrake.
