Nova Scientia

The Nova Scientia is a treatise published in 1537 in Venice by Niccolo Tartaglia (1499-1557). It is devoted to mathematical methods applied to military art, especially artillery.

The book focuses in particular on showing the effectiveness of mathematics in solving pragmatic problems (canons, fortifications, etc.), a result still far from being acquired in the sixteenth century. Indeed, an important debate divides at that time the scholarly world, known under the name of Quaestio de Certitudine Mathematicarum, concerning the applicability of mathematics to empirical phenomena. Presenting in La Nova Scientia applied mathematics as a "science", Tartaglia contributes to his contemporaries arguments favorable to the use of mathematics to study nature, a position shared by Christophe Clavius, Giacomo Barozzi and Giuseppe Biancani, and announcing the advent of modern science. Bibliography edit code
