
Supay Supay

Ten Supay of Supay (also uncle satan) is a god of the indigenous people of the Andes. Tio Supay occurs in the mythology of the Incas and Aymaras. Tio Supay is the god of the dead and reigns over Uca Pacha and a variety of demons. Uca Pacha is the Inca underworld, in Argentina, Supay is dominated by Salamanca.

Tio Supay is associated with mountains. Supay is associated with rituals of miners. During the Spanish colonization of America, the Christian priests used the name Supay to indicate the devil (El Diablo). Supay, however, was not seen as a terrifying being, people asked him not to hurt them.

Tio Supay calls (together with Pachamama) are part of the Oruro Carnival. Tio Supay is the main diabolas of Bolivia, Peru and other countries in the Andes.

In some areas of Peru is the tradition of Mamacha Candicha (the flame virgin) still present, Supay dance can be visited by tourists. Also see
