The Law (album)

La Ley is the third album recorded by the Chilean group of the same name with the company Polygram Discos.

During the promotion of this album the band had its first contact with Mexico, within the framework of the cultural exchange between Mexico and Chile after the arrival of democracy in the Andean country.

The first single was the song "Auto Ruta", censored on several video channels for its strong explicit content. The album also caused expectations at the press level, as it was the first Chilean band to record outside of their country. The locations were in the outskirts of Miami Beach, Florida, USA.

It is worth remembering the video and the song "Weavers of Illusion", whose lyrics, according to Beto Cuevas, were inspired to change the channel, and run into the Christian channel, where the so-called "Illusion Weavers" was spoken. The video of the song was recorded in Valle Nevado de Chile, on top of a mountain. The song has a very nostalgic and melancholic load, and that is demonstrated when, it is used during the tributes that are rendered to Andres Bobe, after his tragic death. This disc was without a doubt in which the band experimented in its better time, in addition the videos of the simple ones evolved the form to realize the videoclips of rock in Spanish. songs Credits
