NGC 6611 is part of the M16 astronomical object, which contains it and the Eagle Nebula. It is a very young cluster, with many warm, blue stars, whose intense ultraviolet light glows surrounding the Eagle's hazy glow. Their combined magnitude in Band B (blue filter) is equal to 6.58, their magnitude in Band V (green filter) is equal to 6.0; telescopically it appears like a grayish patch that only with medium telescopes presents a definite form. However, the associated cluster can be seen even with binoculars. Its brightest star has a magnitude of 8.24 (HD 168076) is spectral type O7III. It is estimated that the cluster contains 460 stars, the brightest of spectral type OR with an estimated mass in about 80 solar masses and a luminosity of the order of 1 million times the Sun. It has been estimated that its age is about 1 -2 million years.