The Northern College (Avesnes) was one of the 12 French legislative constituencies that counted the North Department during the July Monarchy. Geographical and demographic descriptionedit code
The 11 electoral college of the North was located on the outskirts of the agglomeration Avesnoise. Located between Belgium and the districts of Valenciennes and Cambrai, the district is centered around the town of Avesnes-sur-Helpe.
It comprised the following administrative divisions: Canton of Avesnes-sur-Helpe-Nord; Canton of Avesnes-sur-Helpe-Sud; Canton of Bavay; Canton of Berlaimont; Township of Landrecies; Canton of Maubeuge; Township of Quesnoy East; Township of Quesnoy West; Canton of Solre-le-Château and the Township of Trélon. Deputation historyedit code Notes and edit the code in London to be judged. Bolingbroke, who became king Henry IV in September 1399, treated him with indulgence and imprisoned him for a year. Bagot dies in his Warwickshire residence on September 6, 1407. His belongings belong to his eldest daughter Isabelle Stafford. change the code