A tree or tree structure is a data structure in computer science that is a special case of a dig. It consists of a knot (point) or vertex (English: node) called the root (also called root, Eng .: root), which is the entry point for the information stored in the tree. In this root node there are zero or more pointers pointing to other nodes. Each node except the root has exactly a parent (parent node) and zero or more children. The never go between the children, but only from parent to child; in a somewhat more extensive version, possibly from child to parent (bidirectional count). In a tree there are no circular paths and there is always exactly 1 path from the root to a random node. A knot that does not have any children is called a leaf. Binary boom An example of an unordered binary tree
A binary or dichotome tree is a tree structure with each node having up to two children. A complete binary tree is a tree structure in which each leaf is equally spaced from the root knot. Each tree can be transformed into a binary tree in a simple way. Also for any count that has no unlinked vertices a tree can be made. An ordered tree is a tree structure where the children have a defined order. Algorithms
Tree structures consist of a large number of well-known algorithms, for example, to find something in an ordered tree, to apply or remove a new element in an ordered tree, or to sort an unordered tree (to to put in an ordered tree). If a tree has specific properties, these algorithms can often be refined (and thus usually also accelerated). Trees can be used to introduce all kinds of problems in computer science. Also see