Quebrada de Pinto

Quebrada de Pinto is a town and district of the Commune of Paihuano, in the Elqui Valley. It is located between Paihuano and Montegrande, 7 kilometers from Pisco Elqui. History

This area, like the entire Elqui Valley, was populated by natives of the Diaguita culture of the classical period as well as of the time of the Inca domination. During the Spanish Conquest these lands of the Elqui Valley were owned by the Conquistador Francisco de Aguirre until his great-great-grandfather Fernando de Aguirre, in the year 1700, sold much of the land to Miguel Pinto de Escobar and Blanco that did not reach to see in life all its land in full production. However, his son Miguel Nicolas Pinto de Escobar and the Caves, Captain of Cavalry and Mayor of the Holy Brotherhood of La Serena, made the socio-economic change of the Elqui Valley with the production of numerous haciendas and funds, among them, an estate of considerable proportions of name San Buenaventura of Montegrande, origin of the town of Montegrande.

The Spanish conquistador Francisco de Aguirre and Miguel Nicolás Pinto de Escobar are considered the pioneers of the wine industry of the Elqui Valley. First name

Historically it is believed that the house of Miguel Nicolás Pinto de Escobar and the Caves (1686-1757) and his descendants of fifteen children was found in what is today Quebrada de Pinto, hence the name of the town. / p>
