Jane Marple or Miss Marple is a fictional character created by the British detective genre writer Agatha Christie, and whose appearance is constant in many of her novels.
The character is an elderly lady, resident in St. Mary Mead, an adorable country village. Her knowledge of human nature has helped her discover many impossible cases even for the most important Scotland Yard inspectors.
She is the protagonist of 13 novels of the aforementioned writer, as well as various short stories. The fame acquired by this character and his well defined profile, places him as the archetype of the amateur researcher. Personality
Miss Marple is described on many occasions by her creator as an old, lonely, lonely woman, but optimistic and in spite of her age, idealistic. Although not much is known about his personal life, it is evident that he is a beloved character of St. Mary Mead.
Observer, attentive, but above all curious, she is a lover of enigmas and mysteries, which are no problem for her, due to her curious and analytical capacity.
He often brags about his knowledge or about human behavior and its consequences, reminding everyone of the wisdom gained over time.
His favorite phrase is: "people are the same everywhere", always complementing it with their deep knowledge of the inhabitants of their town St. Mary Mead. Appearances