Carla Arnolds

Carla Arnolds

Carla Arnolds (1960) is a Dutch bridal playster. Career

Arnolds started a bridge in 1981. From 1987 Arnold's tournaments with Bep Friend will be a partner. Together they won the World Cup in 1994. After the victories in 1994 Arnolds stopped with bridge and preferred her family life. Since 2004 she has been playing with Friend again. At the World Cup in Shanghai, they finish 3rd place, with teammates Marion Michielsen-Meike Root and Jet Pasman-Anneke Simons. In 2012, she renewed her partnership with Wietske van Zwol.

Arnold and Friend have achieved gold during: In person

Carla Arnolds lives in Tilburg. She is married to former bridal champion Jan Kolen; they have four children. Externe link
