Aulo Verginio Tricosto Celiomontano (Consul 494 BC)

competent Verginio tricostus Celiomontano (En Ingles, Virginia A. Tricostus Caeliomontanus) was a Roman consul, en 494 a. C, together with Tito Vetusio double Cicurini.

Celiomontano is the name of a family of the Virginia gens. Almost all the members of this gens had the surname Tricosto, and the name of Celiomontano was, no doubt, because the family residence was on the hill Celia, which distinguish it from other families of the same gens.

Dionysius calls him "A. Virginius Montanus" and mentions him as consul in the year in which the plebs separated from Rome and settled on Mount Sacro. Prior to the secession, he had marched against the Volscians, whom he had defeated in battle and had seized one of his most important cities, Velitrae, and was mentioned by Dionysius as one of the ten sent by the Senate to deal with the plebs. term of his secession.
