Modernism (literature in Portuguese)

In Portuguese-language literatures, modernism is a literary movement that followed symbolism and chronologically corresponds to the years between the two world wars. It should not be confused with Hispanic modernism, which refers to a movement of very different characteristics and chronologically previous. It coincides with the era of the avant-garde; Futurism was especially important in Portuguese modernism.

In Portugal, the main representatives of modernism were Fernando Pessoa, Mário de Sá-Carneiro. They published magazines such as Orpheu (1915), Centauro (1916), Icarus (1916), Portugal Futurista (1917), Contemporânea (1922-1926) and Athena (1924-1925). The Portuguese modernists published some manifestos, especially of futuristic type.

In Brazil, literary modernism had a marked national character and is included within a broader movement known as Brazilian modernism. Its most prominent representatives were Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Raul Bopp and Murilo Mendes.
