
Naucempinco or Ñancempinco, is the third sovereign of the kingdom of the Chimú, located in the north coast of Peru. Son of the Guacricur, the second ruler of the kingdom. With him begin the conquests that would extend, at the time of the arrival of the Incas, until the north zone of Lima.

Initial achievements

According to the chronicles, "it was conquering the valley towards the heads of the mountain range". He also ran up the coast to a village called Maya, where at present lies the village of Santa, eighteen leagues from this city. "

"Down the valley of Chicama to Pacasmayo, next to the town of Saña, twenty-four leagues from this city" Succession

The chronicle only mentions that after Guacricur it happened to him seven more caciques, of which it does not cite their names until the tenth sovereign Minchancaman.
