Jump blues

In the 1930s the blues sound went "urbanizing" into a mix of classic blues with humorous lyrics and rhythms inherited from the boogie woogie. Louis Jordan and his band are considered the pioneers of this style that had much acceptance and called Jump Blues.

These bands recorded from classic blues to ballads and pop pieces. In general the electric guitar lost its relevance in favor of a greater importance of the piano or the saxos. It is a song more danceable than the blues, arguably deeper than swing and more intense than jazz.

This style was popularized especially during the 40's and is a precursor of rock'n'roll

Prominent Artists: Tiny Bradshaw, Louis Jordan, Roy Brown, Wynonie Harris, Big Joe Turner, Jimmy Yancey (wiki) wiki in English) This article incorporates material from music.keicorp.net, which through an authorization allowed to add content and images and publish them under GFDL license.
