Internal abdominal oblique muscle

The internal oblique internal abdominal, oblique internal oblique or oblique lower abdominal muscle ([TA]: Obliquus internus abdominis) is a muscle of the abdomen that is located in the anterolateral part of it, below the greater oblique; par, wide, flattened, constituted by fleshy fascicles and aponeurosis.

It is inserted, below, into the crural arch, superior iliac spine and, through aponeurosis, into the spinous processes of the last lumbar and first sacral; above on the lower edge of the last four costal cartilages and, using the anterior aponeurosis, on the linea alba

It is innervated by the intercostal nerves and the abdominogenital nerve

Its function is that of a breather; flexor and rotator of the thorax.
