
International car drivers in London A "combo" with several exclusive cars

An autospotter is a person who, as a hobby, monitors and carries (exclusive) cars, often along public roads. The phenomenon of car pots occurs worldwide. There are databases on the internet with so-called spots, forums, and automobile community communities, such as or Some websites set requirements for uploading the autosport, for example, not allowing duplicate spots in a city or village.

A well-known car spot in the Netherlands is the P.C. Hooftstraat in Amsterdam. Many scoffers pull out towards abroad. Paris, London, Marbella, Monaco, Cannes, the Königsallee in Düsseldorf and Knokke-Heist are popular places to spot.

An autotype is more special if there are two or more exclusive cars in a photo: a so-called "combo".

The term autospotter is a combination of the Dutch word car and the English verb to spot, meaning perception.

Spot Cities in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands there are also cities where you can spot spotters. Dutch car riders are the most to be found in the following places; The P.C Hooftstraat in Amsterdam. The Coolsingel in Rotterdam. The Brink in Laren. The Designer Outlet in Roermond. Schiphol


Every year, hordes spotters go back to abroad. Take London example: The most popular places to spot cars in London are Knightsbridge and Mayfair. In Mayfair, London's most luxurious hotels are located. In Knightsbridge, the cars drive a round; via Harrods to Basil St and so on Sloane St. Every year, many rich Arabs come to London, usually after the Ramadan. The Arabs are driving their "hypercars" through the streets of London.


The spotters often have some equipment with them. A spotter often has a SLR camera. On his camera, he or she has a lens with a polarization filter on it. This filter causes "light" from certain angles to be "held back". For example, the photographer is less affected by overexposed places on the picture. Spotters sometimes also have a tripod to make photos with less noise. Especially in garages, at dusk and at night, these beautiful pictures produce. In the dark, it is combined with the use of a tripod and a long shutter speed. If this happens while one or more cars pass, light stripes will appear on the picture.

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