Perth 70 Catalogue

The Perth 70 Catalog (literally Perth 70: Positions of 24900 Stars) is a star catalog published in 1976 that contains data of 24,871 stars. It contains the exact positions and magnitudes of stars - especially the southern hemisphere - as well as other useful data, such as approximate own motions, radial velocities, and parallaxes. The catalog is the result of meridian circle observations made by the expedition of the Hamburg Observatory to Perth (Australia) as part of the Southern Stars (SRS) international effort. Nomenclature

The entries in the catalog are in the format SRS NNNNN, NNNNN being a number between 1 and 45,115, missing entries between numbers 24,995 and 45,115. Examples are SRS 30273, corresponding to Wezen (δ Canis Majoris), SRS 30066, which corresponds to Sheratan (β Arietis) - the brightest star of Aries -, and SRS 30628, corresponding to Wei (ε Scorpii) .
