Diítrefes (Greek Διειτρέφης) was an Athenian military man who lived at the end of the fifth century BC. C. and participated in the War of the Peloponnese. He was commissioned to return to Thrace the mercenary Thracian pellets who had arrived in Athens after the departure of Demosthenes to Sicily (413 BC), and that they could no longer participate in this expedition. Disembarked with the mercenaries in Tanagra (Boeotia) and then attacked and totally destroyed Micaleso, where they killed every living being they encountered. Then a troop sent from Thebes overcame the Thracian detachment killing about 250 Thracians. Pausanias claims that he had a statue in Athens where he was struck by arrows. He is probably the same character Aristophanes refers to with this name.