Main facade of the building. Detail of a window.
The Piera house is a building built in 1867 by the modernist architect Antoni Valls Galí for the builder Antoni Piera Rosès in the Sarrià neighborhood of Barcelona as a habitual residence. It is located at number 4 Sagrat Cor Street. It has four floors, of which the ground floor has a neoclassical layout. On the facade are the initials of the promoter and owner: A (ntoni) P (iera). It is built on a farm created after the segregation of Can Cotó, owned by the Rocabert family since 1704. During the works, which lasted almost a year, the City of Sarrià forced the developers to urbanize part of the street, "Santa Madrona". In its construction walls and brick walls of solid factory were used, arcades trusses on wooden beams and a floating layer of triple layer of rasillas on slats and wooden beams. Just two years earlier, Valls had completed Casas Cerdà, which were the first of the Ensanche. Bibliography