Hoskuld Thrainsson

Hoskuld Thrainsson (Old Norse: Hǫskuldr Þráinsson) (985 - 1011) is a historical figure from the Njál saga, an Icelandic viking from the late 10th century, son of Thrain Sigfusson and adopted son of Njáll Þorgeirsson who welcomed him on the death of his father, ironically at the hands of Skarphedin Njalsson, son of Njáll. It became a prosperous bóndi and goði in Ossaby, Eastern Landeyjar. Hoskuld received the name of his grandfather Hoskuld Dala-Kollsson.

Initially, his uncle Ketill Sigfússon welcomed him, raised him as his own son and vowed to avenge him if someone ever killed him as he did with his father. He was 10 or 12 years old when Njáll offered to welcome him and educate him with his own children. It was Njál who taught everything about the law and turned it into a great goði. Njáll himself asked althing for the creation of a new goðorð in Hvítaness in order to favor his marriage, henceforth he would be known as Hoskuld Hvítanessgodi. Everything went well until the appearance of the intriguing Mord Valgarsson who contributed tares among them. Mord was the instigator of Hoskuld's death in the spring of 1010.

Hildigunn, Hoskuld's wife swore revenge and with the bloody blanket that covered her husband's body, forced Flosi Þórðarson to lead the reprisal against Njáll Þorgeirsson's clan since his Uncle Katli's oath of vengeance was in force and as a member of his clan, he could not refuse. Bibliography
