The climate girdles (also known as climate zones) are areas that encompass the different climates on earth. There are three types of climate belts: the cold climates (in the pool belt), the temperate climates (in the intermediate belt) and the warm climates (in the intertrops).
These climates are parallel to the polar circles. The difference between the zones is due to the sloping earth and the earth's revolution. The zones are exposed to the sun in a different way throughout the year. This creates different types of climates with typical vegetation. Also the amount of precipitation has an impact on the climate.
Location of the climate gates
We find the same climate belts on both hemispheres. They also have the same latitude. We find the cold climates between 90 ° and 60 °. The temperate climates between 60 ° and 30 ° and the warm climates between 30 ° and 0 °.
Sunbathing at the climate gates
In the intertrops there is twice a perpendicular sunshine per year, and the sun sometimes culminates in the north and sometimes in the south. On the tropics (the limits of this belt) there is only one time perpendicular sunshine.
On the polar belt there is a variety of pole zomers and pole winters. In the intermediate belt or waist width there is never a perpendicular sunshine. There is sunrise and sunset every day. Here are also the four seasons every year.