Xiaohe Funeral Complex

Mask found in one of the tombs. 2000 - 1000 a. C.

The Xiahoe funerary complex is a Chinese Bronze archaeological site located by the Lop Nur Lake in the Uygur Autonomous Region of Sinkiang. It contains about 330 graves. Among them has been the largest number of mummies together from all over the world, having been exhumed 30 in good condition, preserved in bullskin. Some 160 graves have been illegally expelled. The mummies are genetically caucasoides and the oldest ones date the year 4000 a. C. Genetic research has revealed a Western paternal line and a mixed maternal line of Western and Eastern Eurasians.

No human settlement was found near the site, so it is speculated that the bodies were transported to it from several points. The complex was brought to light by the Swedish archaeologist Folke Bergman, who discovered it in 1934. Bibliography
