Nityananda, adolescent
Bhagawan Nityananda (1897 - August 8, 1961) is a revered Hindu spiritual teacher in Siddha Yoga, whose disciple was Swami Muktananda, known in the West in the 1970s, and in turn master of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, current representative of Siddha Yoga in the world. The very lineage of Siddha Yoga is disputed by some, since Nityananda never seems to have had a master himself. Other sources indicate that Nityananda was mastered by Ishwara Iyer, the Brahman in whose house he lived his childhood. According to Swami Muktananda, Nityananda belonged to a category of Yogis called by Abhinavagupta: "Samsiddhika gurus" or "Janma Siddhas", born born yogis, who do not follow the classical path of spiritual practices or service to a Guru ( see especially the book "Meditation revolution", Agama Press p.10). change the code