Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space

The Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE) is an aerospace engineering school located in Toulouse, France. It is a Great French School and is part of the University of Toulouse. It was born in 2007 as a result of the so-called "rapprochement" (merger) between SUPAERO and ENSICA (schools of aerospace engineering under the Ministry of Defense of France). The aim of this measure was to strengthen and increase the international visibility of these schools by sharing their staff and resources.

ISAE is also part of ISSAT, PEGASUS, GEA, Toulouse Tech, CESAER and Aerospace Valley, as well as Groupe ISAE, which is formed by ISAE and other important French aerospace engineering schools such as ENSMA, ESTACA and École de l'air.

Coordinates: 43 ° 34'00 "N 1 ° 28'30" E / 43.56667, 1.47500
