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Lelevbare Leiden (LL) is a local Dutch political party in the municipality of Leiden. The party was founded in 2000 and had alternate one or two seats in the city council. Since the beginning, Daan Sloos is the group chairman. In the 90's he was a board member of the SP in Leiden. According to the party's website, Pim Fortuyn was involved in the creation.

In the municipal elections in 2014, the party gained two seats. Later that year, however, a councilor and two duo councilors split the party. Group chairman Sloos knows this because they also work for the PVV and have very pronounced views on Islam. After the divorced councilor decided to stop for health reasons, his seat returned to Leefbaar Leiden. However, because many people on the list did not accept the board membership, the seat remained empty for half a year. In June 2017, LL could finally fill the seat again. Externe link
