Swami Chidvilasananda

Swami Chidvilasananda is the monastic name of Malti Devi Shetty, the current head of the lineage or Siddha Yoga Guru and leader of the Organization called Siddha Yoga Dham of America. She was a disciple of Swami Muktananda and she is said to be a Shaktipat Gurú, that is, a spiritual Master capable of granting the initiation of Shaktipat, that is, the awakening of the Kundalini energy of her disciples. Swami Chidvilasananda is also known as "Gurumayi" which means "The one who is immersed in the Guru".


Malti Shetty was the biggest daughter of a restaurant owner in Bombay, who along with his wife was a disciple of Swami Muktananda in the 1950s. During his childhood, his father took her for the first time to the Gurudev ashram Siddha Peet , in the village of Ganeshpuri, state of Maharashtra, in India, when she was only 5 years old. It was common for him to spend weekends in the ashram during his childhood.

At the age of 14 she was initiated into Shaktipat by Swami Muktanada and soon she moved full time to the Ashram. At the age of 15 Swami Muktananda took her as his official English translator to Hindi and accompanied him on the world tours he undertook.

In May 1982 Malti Shetty was formally initiated as Sanyasin (renouncer) in the ancient order of the Swamis in the Saraswati branch and was given the monastic name of Swami Chidvilasananda (literally "the joy of the game of conscience") and took the vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience, as is observed in these monks. By the same time Muktananda appointed her along with her brother as co-successors of the lineage. Chidvilasananda's brother is called Subash Shetty and currently carries the monastic name of Mahamandeleshwar Swami Nityananda and is the head of the spiritual movement Denominated Shanti Mandir. Philanthropic work

In 1992 Gurumayi founded the Prasad Project, a non-profit organization recognized by the United Nations Organization that aims to bring food to the poor in India.

Also founded in 1997 the Muktabodha Foundation, which is dedicated to indiological studies and has its own editorial. Reviews

There are some criticisms around Siddha Yoga Dham of America, Swami Muktananda and Gurumayi herself. It is alleged that her image is more that of a "movie star" than a resigned Swami - nun - and that her Ashram in the state of New York is more of a "Country Club" than an austere place as would be supposed should be. However, it is only an appearance, since the siddha yogis are usually moderate and moderate people who do not see beauty and spirituality as incompatible. Gurumayi has been associated with movie and pop culture stars such as Meg Ryan, Diana Ross, Melanie Griffith, Isabella Rossellini, among others. In Popular Culture

In at least two films are made to Gurumayi and Siddha Yoga Dham: in the Mexican film "Sexo, Pudor y lágrimas" the portraits of Siddha Yoga gurus appear, and in the movie "Comer, Pray and Love" an indirect is made to Siddha Yoga.
