Hjörf son of Hjört

Hjör Hálfarson and Hjör Hálfsson (Nórdico antiguo: Hjörr konungur Hálfsson 830 -?) Fue un caudillo vikingo, rey (nórdico antiguo: king) de Rogaland, Noruega. Era hijo de Hálfur Hjörleifsson.

According to Landnámabók he fought against Bjarmaland and captured the princess, daughter of his king, with whom he would marry and they would have two sons Geirmundur and Hámundur, nicknamed heljarskinn because they were born with dark skin and wrinkled. His story also appears in Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka.

His historical figure is mentioned in the saga of Njal and one of the ancestors of the Icelandic leader Flosi Þórðarson, succeeded on the throne by Geirmundur Hjorarsson who was the last king alien to the ethnic Germans of the Rugios. Geirmundur was an explorer and settler in Iceland and his settlements appear in the Sturlunga saga as a precursor to the Sturlungar clan. Bibliography
