Castillo da Frouxeira

Panoramic view from the ruins of Castillo do Frouxeira

The Castle of Frouseira or Fortress of Frouseira is located in the parish of Santa Cilla do Valadouro in the municipality of Lugo de Foz. It is located in Pico da Frouxeira, at 427 meters above sea level. At present only some ruins of the castle are conserved. Do not confuse this fortress of Frouxeira with the Castle of Castrodouro in Alfoz. This castle has been declared as BIC. History

Fortress da Frouseira belonged to the mindoniense miter and probably became one of the goods that Pardo de Cela received as a wedding gift by marrying Isabel de Castro, daughter of Count Pedro Álvarez Osorio and Beatriz Enríquez de Castilla. In Frouxeira, from early 1481 until almost the death of the marshal, in December 1483, Pero Pardo made a brave defense against the troops of the Catholic Kings, led by Luis de Mudarra and commanded by Fernando de Acuña, who said a year and a half of fighting in Galicia: "I had enough to do because I had surrounded Pedro Pardo in Peña Frouseira."

It is also known, by testimony of Luis de Mudarra, that many people died during the siege. It is true that A Frouseira, because of its geographical situation, was practically impregnable, hence the Castilian troops were not able to conquer it and defeat Pardo de Cela, which was the plot of betrayal and, once betrayed marshal, completely demolished the castle without leaving stone on stone. At present only those remains remain that time can not erase. Songs about A Frouseira

Thanks to the songs of the time the name of the traitor is known: Roi Cofano do Valedouro

"Of these, Captain Valfouro de Cofano, who still belonged to a Moor Non gave me more eagerness."

These two facts, defense and betrayal, were inspirational engine for bards and rhapsodists. it is also known that shortly after the marshal was beheaded, a "chant" or known as "Pranto da Frouseira" was written, in which the hard battle of the marshal and his servants was mythical.

"The min shaman all Mira Lady of the great treasure, By star clarified, xago in this Valedouro",

Then, singing gathers treason

"From min to sad Frouseyra That by treyçon was sold Derribada in the ribeyra Ca never see defeated",
