El estrambote, cola, conterilla, taletilla, corchea or hopalanda is a set of verses added to the end of a poem, especially in sonnets. It is commonly associated with a satirical theme. Your verses may differ from the general metrics of the poem. They should not be confused with the strambotti of the Italian metric.
Sonnets with estrambote or sonnets of tail of Cervantes are especially known. The Dictionary of Authorities, from the 18th century, is the first text that defines it explicitly as a metric concept. Said dictionary considers the estrambote only as an annex to the sonnet. Later, in 1791, it appears linked also to the seguidilla according to the Dictionary of the Academy. Melchor Gaspar de Jovellanos also called the refrain of the romances and the Asturian couplets "estrange". Bibliography