Konrad Seusenhofer

Konrad Suasenhofer was an inventor and armor builder. It lived in the time of the emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519). His technique, which combined the use of metal, rivets and leather, made his creations, structures very resistant against swords, muskets and other weapons of the time. In addition, it emphasizes the use of insuperable techniques for the tempering of the steel, that made him famous, as much for the combat armors as for the ones of tournaments and parades. Armor of Maximilian I, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Although his technique was based on the use of rigid materials, the combination with forged means, articulated to make the armor a mobile structure, made his creations, works of singular beauty and utility.

Used and incorporated ornamental scrolls, as well as surfaces of own creation and use of the artistic taste of the time. His creations are famous for Charles V of Spain and Henry VIII of England, whose creation, the latter, barely preserves the helmet, which has a zoomorphic reminiscence combined with a certain anthropomorphism, which had the purpose infuse fear into adversaries.

He is currently known as the Father of The Smith and among the blacksmiths and armorers is known as "The Master."
