The Partido Demócrata Posibilista was the name adopted in 1879 by the Partido Demócrata, the Spanish political party of republican ideology created in 1876 by Emilio Castelar to differentiate itself from the Progressive Democratic Party of Cristino Martos Balbi, which integrates a good part in 1881 Its organ was El Pueblo Español, in Madrid. Once the Bourbon Restoration was a fact, it focused its program on universal suffrage and on electoral participation without questioning the monarchy, which received support from the Liberal Party. When universal suffrage was approved in 1890, it became part of the Liberal Party.
In Catalonia the main leaders were Eusebi Corominas i Cornell and Eusebi Pascual i Casas, who in 1878 founded the newspaper La Publicidad, and in Mallorca the main leader was Joaquim Fiol i Pujol, director of La Opinión (1879 to 1890) and El Iris del Pueblo.