Hey You, Pikachu! (ピ カ チ き き で ゅ ゅ う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う ) His Japanese name is Pikachu Genki Dechu, a play on words in "Pikachu genki desu" (Pikachu is fine).
The game allows voice recognition technology to speak to Pikachu, the game's star. It is one of two games that uses the Voice Recognition Unit (VRU) of Nintendo 64, a piece of hardware that can capture and analyze the human voice. However, it was the only game released in the USA that used the VRU. A similar technology was later used to build the Nintendo DS. The player can move and collect items, in addition to talking to pikachu and can describe everything about his environment.
This game also contains other Pokémon like Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Some of them can be controlled by the player's megaphone. For example, when using the megaphone to tell Haunter to leave, it will be recorded to frighten Pikachu and the five Poliwag. The player can feed others other than Pikachu. If you feed Caterpie with lots of roses, it will evolve into Metapod.
A sequel to "Hey You" is Pokémon Channel, a game published three years later on Nintendo GameCube. The game
The game begins when the main character must try a new instrument at the request of Professor Oak, which is used to talk to Pokemon. The player soon encounters a wild Pikachu and befriends him. The confidence of Pikachu must be won by the player, thus, Pikachu will end up living in the player's house. From there there are three new daily activities. Each day has a different objective (collect food, fish ..) and the player can thus win Pika-Points, which can then be exchanged in the store open to unlock items.
Over time, if the player reaches day 365, Professor Oak appears and says that Pikachu should be released. The player must go to the forest where Pikachu was found and say "goodbye" (goodbye) several times, in the end Pikachu is aware that he can not live with the player any longer, and sadly, marches. After the credits, when the player looks around and looks for reminiscences about Pikachu, and returns, it's as if Pikachu would never have gone. Curiosities