Jorge Gilardi

Dr. Jorge Gilardi, AMM President

Jorge Gilardi (City of Buenos Aires, January 20, 1947) is an Argentine doctor, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. He is the President of the Association of Municipal Physicians of the City of Buenos Aires.

Academic training and scientific work

Jorge Gilardi graduated as a medical professional at the University of Buenos Aires, specializing in Gynecology and Obstetrics, as well as Occupational Medicine and Public Health. Added to his vast academic background, Jorge Gilardi developed different scientific activities for the development of the discipline, being the author of numerous contributions and research papers presented in different fields. He promoted, coordinated and participated in multiple meetings, conferences and scientific publications, as well as several congresses and advanced courses in obstetrics, Public Health and Health Services Administration. He is also a regular member of the Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Buenos Aires and was a regular holder in the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA and director of the Master in Public Health of the same faculty. Association of Municipal Doctors of the City of Buenos Aires

At the moment, Gilardi is president of the Association of Municipal Doctors of the City of Buenos Aires, place from which he developed a strong guild work aiming to form an institution at the service of his colleagues, focusing on constantly improving working conditions, as well as the implementation of several permanent training programs from the Institute of Human Development and Health of the AMM, of which he is Director, understanding that the training of current and future generations of doctors are the fundamental pillar of Public Health.
