El Majadito is a typical dish from Bolivia, mainly prepared in the departments of Beni and Santa Cruz. This dish is prepared with rice with charque (dehydrated meat), fried eggs and plantains. Majau de Pato
In Bolivia, "Majau" means "beaten" or "majado", which is done with the meats before making the majau in a wooden tacu or mortar.
It is a traditional dish from eastern Bolivia, dating from the time of the Spanish conquest in Bolivia. The majadito is similar to Spanish paellas. Ingredients
(For 6 people).
To accompany: Preparation
In a large pot place the water with a little salt, onion and paprika. Add the cut duck into small pieces. Leave to cook until the meat is soft and then mash it and crumble it. Separate a portion of the same water where the duck meat boiled. To the rest, throw the rice and salt to taste. Leave to cook on a moderate heat for 25 minutes until well cooked, taking care not to dry.
In another container, place the oil measure and let it heat over medium heat. Then, add the shredded duck meat and fry it until it acquires a golden color. Add the tomato and the strained urucu.
If the mixture is dry, then it is advisable to add a little water or previously recycled broth. Stir and cook over medium heat for about five minutes.
After that time, put the duck meat crushed and fried. Stir again so that it adheres to the preparation. Finally add this mixture to the rice cooker. Remove all the ingredients and check that the duck majau has not dried. If so, add a little more broth and mix gently. Serve hot and place on top of each serving a fried egg. On the sides, put slices of fried plantain and, if you like, yuccas also fried.