Roy Bland

Roy Bland is a fictional character created by John le Carré who appears in the novels of espionage La Taupe and Comme un collegien. Biographize the code

Roy Bland is one of the rare members of Circus (nickname MI6, the British intelligence service) to come from a modest background. As a labor father, he studied at Oxford University and was recruited by George Smiley.

In the television adaptation of The Taupe in 1979 by the BBC, Bland is portrayed by actor Terence Rigby. For the film adaptation of 2011, it is Ciarán Hinds who takes the role. In both cases, the importance of the character is diminished compared to the novel. change the code Sourcemode the code

John the Square, The Taupe (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, 1974), translated from English by Jean Rosenthal, Editions du Seuil, Collection Points, P921, Paris, 2001 (1974 for translation to Robert Editions) Laffont), 412 pages. (ISBN 2020479915)
