Mar. Silbannacus is a mysterious figure believed to have been a usurper of the Roman Empire during the time that Philip the Arab was his head (244-249), or between the fall of Emilianus and access to Valerian power. p> Antoniniano de Silbanaco.
Silbanaco is known to us only by a single coin, an Antoninian found, it is believed, in Lorraine, and is now in the British Museum in London. This coin has an obverse with the portrait of the usurper and the legend IMP MAR SILBANNACVS AVG; the reverse shows Mercury holding a Victory and a caduceus, with VICTORIA AVG as legend.
The name Silbanaco presents a Celtic origin, with the suffix "-acus"; known location of the currency, Silbanaco may have been a military commander in Upper Germania. It is possible that he rebelled against Philip and that his revolt would end with the emperor Decius, since Flavio Eutropius (ix.4) narrates a bellum civile suppressed in Gaul during the mandate of this emperor.
A second Antoninianus was published in 1996, which bore the abbreviated legend MARTI PROPVGT. According to the style, the coin was minted in Rome; since the abbreviated legend is present in coins of Emiliano, in 253, Silbanaco could have prevailed there until the march of Valeriano on Rome. An interpretation of these facts leads us to think that Silbanaco was an officer who remained in the garrison of Rome while his emperor, Emiliano, was going to face his rival Valeriano. After his defeat and death in September 253, Silbanaco could have attempted to become emperor with the support of the troops confined in Rome, thus controlling the minting of money, before being quickly eliminated by Valerian and Gallienus. p>