wrapped up ... unpacked ...
Valmobile was a French brand that delivered a 125 cc folding scooter in 1954.
Martin Moulet, Bagnolet (1954 -?
The folding scooter was developed by Victor-Albert Bouffort in 1952. He claimed a patent in that year. The scooter had the model of a big suitcase, from which a front fork stuck. The machine was called "la valise mobile" (the mobile case).
In 1953 a first prototype with a 60 cc Alter engine was ready. In the same year, this was replaced by a 98 cc Villiers engine. This scooter weighed 40 kg and had a top speed of 65 km / h.
In 1954 Martin-Moulet of Bagnolet took over production. Now a 50 cc Martin-Moulet engine was mounted. There were also 98 and 125 cc models available. Production probably ended in 1956.
The Japanese brand Hirano built the Valmobile scooter. Externe link
photo Valmobile scooter