Iriarte Castro, Augustine (1876-1963).
Painter and art critic born in Guatemala. He was one of the first artists that at the beginning of the century was interested in the Guatemalan landscape. He obtained a scholarship to study art in Italy from 1908 to 1913. On his return to Guatemala he was a teacher of the National School of Fine Arts from 1924 to 1939. Iriarte's work, along with that of Carlos Valenti and Carlos Mérida, constitutes the preamble to all movements that explored trends ranging from academic regionalisms to the avant-garde and postmodernist movements in Guatemala. He was part of the TRIAMA group, a name formed by the first letters of the names of painters Antonio Tejeda Fonseca, Ovidio Rodas, Rigoberto Iglesias, Jaime Arimany, Oscar Murúa and Rafael Alcain.