
The qualification dead road is the opinion (which can be substantiated on the basis of empirical accident data) that a road user on the road in question has an increased risk of a life-threatening accident.

The term is used in the media especially when frequent fatal accidents occur on the same road. Mostly, this is a provincial road, although in Germany the Bundesautobahn 2 is also known as a road with relatively many accidents.

The risk of accidents is often due to the following factors:

Some roads in the Netherlands and Belgium and are sometimes labeled as dead roads:

Governments often take measures to reduce risks. This is usually done by placing warning signs, lowering the maximum speed at risky points, overtaking or by road itself, for example, by making roundabouts and / or uneven intersections or correcting crossings. Also, the road can be led to the built-up bowl, widened or replaced with other better connections. Road improvements, however, are often expensive projects that can also resist environmentalists and residents. Moreover, the geographical situation does not always stand out. It may take some time for improvements to occur.
